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Do you have questions about your students' accounts related to course selection? We have you covered! Take a look below at the answers to some commonly asked questions. 

  1. How can I submit courses on a student's behalf?
  2. How can I allow students to re-submit their course selections?
  3. What does "Not Pre-Registered" mean for my Grade 8 students?
  4. Why does it say Disabled beside my students' names?
  5. Help! I accidentally marked my students as "Not Completing Course Selection".
  6. Help! I accidentally approved some students I didn't mean to approve, and now they are in "Pending Export".

1.  How can I submit courses on a student's behalf?

  • If your student's High School Plan is already filled with the necessary courses:
    1. In your Counsellor account, click Students
    2. Check the box to the left of the student(s) name(s)
    3. Click the blue Group Actions button
    4. Click Force Submissions
  • Note: the options above can still be used if you have the setting 'Don't allow submission if missing prerequisite/corequisite' checked off in your Configure Course Selection Settings, but you wish to override this block for a particular student 
  • Alternately, if you know which courses a student wishes to take, but they're not able to log in to myBlueprint for whatever reason, you have the option to submit for them:
    1. Locate the student in the Students section
    2. Click the menu button (three dots)
    3. Click View High School Plan
    4. Fill in the student's courses for next year by clicking the boxes in the plan
    5. Click Review Course Selections
    6. Click Submit Course Selections
  • After submitting for a student, you will see their submission in the Pending Approval tab - it will still need to be approved before being exported to your SIS.

2.  How can I allow students to re-submit their course selections?

  • From the Pending Approval or Pending Export tab in your Counsellor or Counsellor Lead account,
    1. Click the 3 grey dots to the right of the student's name
    2. Click Re-Allow Submission 
  • If you need to re-allow submission for many students,
    1. Check the boxes to the left of the students names
    2. Click the blue Group Actions button 
    3. Click Re-Allow Submission

3.  What does "Not Pre-Registered" mean for my Grade 8 students?

  • You will only see this in an Elementary Counsellor account
  • Any grade 8 students flagged as 'Not Pre-registered' are not currently linked to a destination high school for next year in your Student Information System (SIS). 
    • Often this is known as the 'next school' but the terminology for this differs by SIS.  Once they have a destination school and we receive a new student import their course selection status will be updated to 'Closed', 'Awaiting Submission', etc. depending on whether submissions are open for your school. 
  • It is normal to see this status for all grade 8s at the start of the school year. You can reach out to your district lead or IT support to find out the date at which students will start to be pre-registered in your SIS for next year. 
    • If course selection has started, and you see a Grade 8 student is still flagged as 'Not Preregistered', please ensure that their high school for next year is set correctly in your SIS. Once that has been set, they should have the option to submit after the next import, typically within 24-48hrs. 
    • To confirm the process for updating this information in your SIS, please reach out to your admin staff or SIS team. If everything seems to be set correctly and is still not updated in myBlueprint, please reach out to myBlueprint support.

4.  Why does it say Closed beside my students' names?

  • Closed refers to the current Course Selection status
    • Grade 7 students will always be 'closed' as they don't have the option to submit course selections.
    • Students in other grades are 'Closed' until a Counsellor Lead opens course selection for students to begin submitting. 
  • If course selection is closed, then all students' status will say Closed
    • As a Counsellor Lead, you can open up course selections when ready. If some students are displayed as 'awaiting submission' but others are still disabled, it may be that course selection has only been opened for certain grades.
    • For other staff, you can reach out to the Counsellor Lead at the high school find out when course selection will open.
  • If course selection is open but showing as Closed for some of your students
    • Try re-allowing submission for them (refer to #2 above)
    • If that does not update their status, reach out to myBlueprint Support

5.  Help! I accidentally marked my students as "Not Completing Course Selection".

  • Not to worry, this can easily be reverted by following the steps below:
    1. From your Pending Export or Pending Approval tab
    2. Click the 3 grey dots to the right of the student's name
    3. Click Re-Allow Submission 
  • This will move your students back into the 'Pending Export' or 'All' tab depending on what tab you re-allowed from, and they will be able to re-submit their course selections.
  • Pro Tip: To re-allow submission for multiple students, check off the boxes to the left of students names, then click the blue Group Actions button. Any time that you are using the Group Actions menu to update students' status for course selection, please pay close attention to any warning dialogs, and ensure that you only have the desired students selected.

6.  Help! I accidentally approved some students I didn't mean to approve, and now they are in "Pending Export".

  • Not to worry, this can easily be reverted by following the steps below:
    1. Navigate to the Pending Export tab
    2. Check the box to the right of the student's name
    3. Click the grey Group Actions button
    4. Click Move to Pending Approval

Did we miss any questions? Answer the question at the bottom of this article or reach out to us at support@myblueprint.ca