To make changes to the text that appears on course selection sign-off sheets for your students, follow the steps below:
- Log in to your Counsellor Lead Account
- Navigate to the Course Selection Checklist on your Dashboard page
- Click Configure Course Selection
- Click Sign Off Sheet
- Enable sign off sheet printing for the grades you want
- If sign-off printing is disabled (i.e., set to 'no'), students will not see the option to print a sign-off sheet from their account
- Counsellors and teachers can still optionally print sign-off sheets for their students by:
- Clicking the contextual menu (three dots) for a student in their class, or in the Students section of the Counsellor account - or by checking off multiple students and clicking Group Actions
- Clicking Print Options
- Checking off Course Selection Sign-off Sheet and then clicking Print
- Optionally, you can:
- Have the sign off message on its own page
- Note: recommended for messages that are longer than 3 lines of text
- Have grade specific messages for students
- Have the sign off message on its own page
- If you want grade-specific sign off messages, toggle 'Grade Specific?' to Yes, then select the grade you wish to customize below
- Type your message in the white box
- Note: you can customize your message - including the style, alignment, etc.
- Click Save Changes
- Note: you must save changes first before you can preview the changes you have made to any sign off sheet
- To see an example with your edits, click Preview Currently Saved Sign-off Sheet
Saved and enabled sign off sheets will appear for students in their accounts after they have submitted their course selections.